SONG PICK: Nicolas Michaux - Enemies (Video)

SONG PICK: Nicolas Michaux - Enemies (Video)

Belgian singer/songwriter Nicolas Michaux dropped his album “Amour Colère” today, and “Enemies” is the last single from the glorious album, which is full of complex and diverse stories like relocating to a new country or the shift in family life up to excruciating topics like death.

“Enemies” is as brooding and intense as it is beautiful, the feeling perhaps best expressed in this lyric line: “You can change your bed sheets but you cannot conquer your dreams”.

The driving beat, the wistful guitar, and Michaux’s vocals create a mood of appealing suspense when suddenly the vibe lightens up thanks to the joyful and bright synths in the chorus.

“Enemies” picks up ideas of French sociologist Bernard Friot, a historian of social security and advocate of the lifetime salary. Micheaux explains:

“When you turn 30 and have a child, being broke becomes less and less fun. At the time of writing, we were looking for a place to live and the violence of the housing market took me by the throat. In writing about slavery, Marguerite Yourcenar said that a regime is often most excessive in its cruelty and injustice in its last days. I sometimes get the impression that it’s the same kind of historical scenario we are currently experiencing with the slow agony of capitalism.”

Watch the video, directed by Thomas de Hemptinne and Nicolas Michaux, and listen to our Song Pick of the Day:

Connect with Nicolas Michaux on Facebook, and Instagram and add “Enemies” to your playlist as we are adding it to our glamglarepick playlist on Spotify: