SONG PICK: New Luna - Swarms

“If things had been easier” repeats Tommy Deedigan, vocalist of Manchester dream-pop alt-rock quartet New Luna, yet nothing is easier than to instantly fall in love with the frontman’s vocal delivery and the moody, extremely appealing track. “Swarms” is as melancholic and wistful as it is jazzy, with a subtle, playful vibe.
Guitarist Zack Bamber gives the following insight:
“Swarms covers a few new territories for us with the combining of a funk-like rhythm underneath our established dream-pop and quiet/loud guitar sound, as well as our first on-record experiments with vocal chops and whammy scratch effects. We want to use this process as a template to build on going forward, making sure every single second of the track has a purpose”.
I can think of turning things around and use “Swarms” as encouragement anthem to get up and try again because giving up is not an option, especially not with a song that gorgeous! Listen to “Swarms”, our Song Pick of the Day, from one Manchester’s hottest bands:
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Photo credit: Conor Deedigan