SONG PICK: Naomi Wild - Run That

SONG PICK: Naomi Wild - Run That
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L.A.-based singer/songwriter Naomi Wild toured last year with electronic music superstars Odesza and came to appreciate the independence that comes with life on the road. So she wrote “Run That” about this feeling, a sophisticated, swirling synth-pop track. Naomi gives some background:

The lyrics are me trying to say, like, “I’ll be there, I love you, but I love me more.”‘ I always kind of put myself in these somewhat destructive and chaotic scenarios because a part of me feels the most alive when everything isn’t so perfect. I’m a junky for a messy situation. The song was just me getting some of that out.

Listen to our Song of the Day on SoundCloud or Spotify:

Connect with Naomi Wild on Facebook, Instagram or Twitter.

(Photo: Haley Busch)