SONG PICK: Mensa Deathsquad - Light

SONG PICK: Mensa Deathsquad - Light

Kansas City darkwave act Mensa Deathsquad release with “Light” a spellbinding new single, signaling a bit of a new direction. The band’s mastermind Brandon Phillips explains:

“Light” was the first song I wrote with musician Barb Morrison (Antony and The Johnsons, Blondie, Deborah Harry) as my music mentor and it set the tone for both where I wanted to go with my new music and how Barb and I would work together.

Creating art -any kind of art- is a highly spiritual process bound to a special moment in time. Later, comes the refinement, and the initial outburst might get some polishing and quirks get smoothened out. Not so with “Light,” which feels refreshingly raw and full of energy.

Brandon reveals further:

Barb was like, “Write a song, but don’t think about it… Just fucking sing.” So I threw together a beat and hit RECORD and started singing words into the mic. Now, I cannot emphasize enough how absolutely agonizing this was. Even in an empty studio, my inner-critic was erupting with this withering rage like, “You fucking idiot! You have nothing written down!” I keep singing this bit over and over and I start sweating… So I just string some words together in my head and hit RECORD. Without thinking about it at all in that one take I delivered the line exactly as you hear it now – the lyric, the melody, the whisper part – all unplanned. When I listened back, I choked up. I started bawling like you would not believe, but this voice in my head was like, “Don’t you dare stop now!” So I blew my nose and finished the song and swore to myself not to change a single note.

We are glad that he didn’t change a single thing because a masterpiece should not get tampered with. “Light” is irresistibly catchy and absolutely perfect!

Listen to “Light,” our Song Pick of the Day:

Connect with Mensa Deathsquad on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram and add “Light” to your playlist as we are adding it to our #glamglarepick playlist on Spotify and AppleMusic: