SONG PICK: May Rosa - Gresham Street

SONG PICK: May Rosa - Gresham Street

Sometimes when things don’t go well in life, comfort can come when and from where you don’t expect it. In the case of Belfast-based singer/songwriter May Rosa, it was the good time she spend with someone at a place on “Gresham Street”. It helped her getting back on her feet and so she wrote an hauntingly beautiful and atmospheric 80s inspired song about the experience. May Rosa explains the background of the song:

Gresham Street is about finding happiness in simplicity at a pretty bleak time in my life. I had just broken up with someone, was very disillusioned and had abruptly left my life in London, moving back to my hometown of Belfast where I didn’t know anyone anymore and had no idea what my next steps were. I had no money, no job and was completely lost. The song is about feeling content and free in being with someone regardless of the situation. I spent a lot of time in a dilapidated building where his art studio was – it was grim but I was really happy.

Listen to “Gresham Street,” our Song Pick of the Day here:

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(Photo: Jake Pearce)