SONG PICK: Maviii - Time

SONG PICK: Maviii - Time

The new single “Time” by Richmond-based, Canadian artist Maviii is a marvelous piece of big, bold, and beautiful pop! The track shimmers and swirls and takes you instantly under its spell. Of course, a song with a title like “Time” might have quite the story and Maviii offers:

Time has a funny way of playing games with our delicate minds. At times it can stand still, or feel like its slipping away through our fingers. We created it, It’s so valuable, and we all have a limited amount. When I was quarantined for 4 months alone, time began to move in a way I had never experienced before.

What’s so fascinating is the fact that we all have stories of quarantine and isolation to tell. While a global phenomenon, we all experienced the pandemic differently. Maviii further says:

I was able to reflect on the parts of myself I want to keep and the parts of myself I wanted to change. This song encompasses what it feels like to navigate your life when time loses all meaning. To take cold showers to try and feel more present, to dance so you don’t cry. Just like every other challenge we face in this life, we grow through it.

We grow through it” is beautifully put and very life-affirming. We love the track’s lyrics, the sentiment, and the stellar production. Well done.

Listen to “Time,” our Song Pick of the Day:

Connect with Maviii on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram and add “Time” to your playlist as we are adding it to our glamglarepick playlist on Spotify: