SONG PICK: Mai Kino - Talk (Video)

SONG PICK: Mai Kino - Talk (Video)

Mai Kino is an London-based singer/songwriter originally from Lisboa. Her new song “Talk” is an intense, sweeping synth pop track that comes with mesmerizing visuals showing Mai Kino in others dancing below (biodegradable) sheets of plastic. It symbolizes isolation and loneliness, but also the danger that lays therein. After all, don’t we tell children to never play with plastic in that way?

Mai Kino recalls how “Talk” came together:

I wrote Talk over a year ago, in my bed, in the middle of the night. I was going through a rough period of numbness and creative block….I felt alienated and disconnected from myself and the world around me. I remember having spent several days trying to write music and nothing came out… Then one night, as I slipped into sleep, a song started playing in my head. I jumped out of bed, played it on the piano and recorded it on my phone. The chords and the vocal melody came first, then the word “Fall”

Watch the video for our Song Pick of the Day here:

Listen to the song on Spotify:

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