SONG PICK: Luna Bec - Come Over Tonight

Many different scenarios are possible with an invitation like “Come Over Tonight”, and London-based singer/songwriter and multi-instrumentalist Luna Bec might just have the best for you. Her gorgeous new song is playful and bouncy, with an overall much-needed optimistic vibe.
When asked about her latest single, Bec explains:
“Come Over Tonight is a song about intimacy and desire; it’s also about conflict and healing, both on a personal and a societal level. How often do we really listen to another person, without trying to fix or change them so we don’t have to experience the discomfort of their suffering? The world feels more divided than ever. Within desire there is passion and also the possibility of compassion. Can I hold another’s rage without judgment, and allow myself to be held in that way too?”
Listen to “Come Over Tonight”, our Song Pick of the Day:
Connect with Luna Bec on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram and add “Come Over Tonight” to your playlist as we add it to our #glamglarepick playlist on Spotify:
Photo credit: Emma Viola Lilja