SONG PICK: Low Island - Feel Young Again (video)

SONG PICK: Low Island - Feel Young Again (video)

Bright, promising vocals immediately draw us into “Feel Young Again”, the new single by Oxford quartet  Low Island. The soft and pleasing vibe continues throughout the track, evoking the feeling of walking on a beach in the early morning sun. The song’s production is sophisticated indie-pop at its finest!

When asked about their new single, frontman Carlos Posad says:

Feel Young Again is about a toxic relationship; not with a person, but with a part of yourself that you need to let go of. A part of yourself that is doing you harm but because of familiarity and a fear of change, you can’t give it up. It’s about taking that thing, feeling or frame of mind for one last dance before finally letting it go.

Watch the cool live video for “Feel Young Again,” and enjoy our Song Pick of the Day:

Connect with Low Island on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram and add “Feel Young Again” to your playlist as we are adding it to our glamglarepick playlist on Spotify:

Pre-order the album “If You Could Have It All Again,” out on April 16th.

Photo credit: Ann Evelin Lawford