SONG PICK: Hēran Soun - Barricade

Even without knowing anything about the background of Hēran Soun about his childhood, how he grew up, I would be utterly fascinated by “Barricade”, the single he released today. I am ready to admit though, that when reading up on the California-based experimental indie-electronic musician, I was intrigued of course to find out whether the music someone creates who didn’t have the gift of hearing from young age on differs from those who do. Turns out, a talented musician is a talented musician yet there might be something more going on in the music Hēran Soun creates.
For starters, “Barricade” does not follow a classic song structure of verse, chorus, verse, chorus, maybe bridge, chorus or something like that. “Barricade” has its own, instantly enchanting flow. Add a heavy dose of melancholy yet also hope and gorgeous vocals to it and there you have it, “Barricade”, our Song Pick of the Day:
Connect with Hēran Soun on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.
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