SONG PICK: Harry Heart - Guaranteed Peace

The underlying sadness in “Guaranteed Peace” never goes away but intensifies and there’s no escaping it! Something serious has happened that causes the somber mood. This is also not a happy nostalgic, easy melancholic mood but something of substance. At the same time, “Guaranteed Peace” is utterly gorgeous in its drive and earnestness and marks the new single by British-Australian indie-rock artist Harry Heart. A passionate and fierce track like “Guaranteed Peace” must have an interesting back story, and Heart explains:
A friend of a friend asked if we could head to the studio together while he was in town on tour. He never showed, poor form, so I headed to the studio and had this song down in about four hours. Anger always gets the job done.
We want to believe that the artist who stood Heart up is regretting it by now, not so much because they’ve been causing a fantastic song (but thanks, actually!) but for being unappreciative of the time and intention of a fellow artist. As Heart puts it politely, that’s poor form. Listen to the fantastic “Guaranteed Peace,” our Song Pick of the Day:
Connect with Harry Heart on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram and add “Guaranteed Peace” to your playlist as we are adding it to our glamglarepick playlist on Spotify: