SONG PICK: GVosti - I Got You

SONG PICK: GVosti - I Got You

When New York-based GVosti sings “I Got You,” then she means it in the best of ways, and she means it. All too often we offer support and then the other person never takes us up on it. GVosti’s single took shape in the most difficult of times, and the artist reveals:

“I Got You” is a conversation between two people about mental health. It is from the perspective of someone who wants to help and be supportive. I wrote this song in early covid when I was having a hard time, and most people I knew were too. Everyone processes difficult times differently, some want to talk while some want space. You can support someone in your life by listening to their needs, and you can support yourself by doing the same.

The lyrical content is rather deep for such a dreamy and blissful track. GVosti, who writes, produces, sings, and engineers her songs herself, delivered another fantastic slice of shimmering electro-pop. There’s more stellar indie-electronic on her 2020 EP Reaction. We cannot wait to hear what’s next, and hopefully, we’ll be seeing Gee-V-oh-stee live soon too!

Listen to “I Got You,” our Song Pick of the Day:

Connect with GVosti on Facebook and Instagram and add “I Got You” to your playlist as we are adding it to our #glamglarepick playlist on Spotify and AppleMusic:

Photo Credit: Morgan Russell