SONG PICK: Guest Singer - My Parallel

Guest Singer aka Jake Cope is an artist/project I came back to listening numerous times. Initially, the debut single “New Experience” totally got me already but “My Parallel” seals the deal to finally feature the gorgeous track. Both singles are irresistible in a subtle yet intense way, the one that lingers and makes you seek out the music once more. The warm synths with its analog vibe, do not shield the overall suspense and the vibrancy of the melody and its flow. Jake Cope’s vocals are highly intriguing and constantly keep you on the edge, they play a big role in the special fascination though.
The artist says about his newest song:
“My Parallel has duel meanings: the first concerns the notion of what could have been –what would I be doing right now had I taken a particular opportunity? The second looks at the presentation of self. How we re-skin our personalities to fit whatever social interactions we find ourselves part of.”
Listen to “My Parallel”, our Song Pick of the Day:
Connect with Guest Singer via Facebook, Twitter and Instagram and add “My Parallel” to your playlist on Spotify:
Photo credit: Graeme Oxby