SONG PICK: Good Posture - Last Time (Video)

SONG PICK: Good Posture - Last Time (Video)

Don’t know about you but I can not say ‘no’ to a song that makes me feel good from start to finish. As soon as “Last Time” opens with its clear and catchy notes, I am humming along. “Last Time” is the new single by Leipzig-based, U.K.-born multi-instrumentalist, singer, and producer Joel Randles who gears up for his EP Changin’ under his artist name Good Posture. While the song’s melody is utterly joyful, the video filmed and edited by Richard Adam, tells a slightly different story. The clip’s protagonist -Joel Randles- does not find the happy(?) ending we were rooting for but decides that this is it, the last time this is happening, ready to change something.

Asked about his second release from Changin’, Randles says:

Wanting to write something with a higher tempo, this was the first song I had tried in this style, aiming for something more poppy and something you could start dancing to. I was also experimenting with writing catchy choruses which isn’t something I have done in my previous work. Following the theme of change on the EP, the song is a self monologue about always moving around and trying to convince myself that leaving a place is not always the answer, to be more content with what I have.

Listen to “Last Time,” our Song Pick of the Day, and check out the sweet video too:

Connect with Good Posture on Facebook and Instagram and add “Last Time” to your playlist as we are adding it to our glamglarepick playlist on Spotify:

Photo credit: Charlotte Hennrich