SONG PICK: Go Robot - The Gallows

For its heavyweight topic and serious lyrics, “The Gallows” flows beautifully along, with bright piano sprinkles to lighten the mood and with raspy-velvet vocals to give it depth. “The Gallows” is the new single by British rock band Go Robot and for those of us who happen to enjoy the eclectic song writing, sparse production and beat-driven sound of Thom Yorke and the likes, “The Gallows” is an incredible gift. Just absolutely stunning! When asked about the track’s background, Moses, Go Robot’s mastermind, gave us the following insight:
“The song is about looking back on a relationship with a sex addict and trying to forgive and understand everything that happened once the pain of the situation has faded. It’s mostly inspired by my first serious relationship, which ended quite horribly due to infidelity and a complete breakdown of trust. It took me a long time to understand how this loving relationship collapsed the way it did, and this song is my way of forgiving and moving on.”
Listen to “The Gallows”, our Song Pick of the Day:
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