SONG PICK: Geoff Gibbons - Keep On Driving

SONG PICK: Geoff Gibbons - Keep On Driving

Canadian singer/songwriter Geoff Gibbons gives us hope and joy with his new single “Keep on Driving. The optimism and confidence in the folk-rock tinged “Keep On Driving” are so very welcomed, especially in the thoroughly changed world we are living in. While I have not driven a car for more than 20 years, it is exactly what I wish I could do these days. Step inside a car, ideally a convertible, roll down the roof and cruise along, while listening to soothing rock songs. Driving through the no-longer busy streets of Manhattan and up the Hudson River. Then visiting my friends in Montréal and keeping on driving, until I reached Vancouver. There, I could say ‘hi’ to Geoff Gibbons, who sings so beautifully “find some open road, gotta keep on driving”.

The steady guitar strumming, paired with the wistful steel guitar sprinkles and Geoff Gibbons’ earthy vocals make for an irresistibly comforting mix. When asked about his new single Geoff Gibbons explains:

“In these times of uncertainty “Keep On Driving” is a longing for freedom. Caught in the well-worn circle of day to day survival…I wondered what would happen if I didn’t turn in the driveway and just kept going. It speaks to life in general.. The smallest move or gesture can completely change the direction of a life. We forget we have control over those moves every minute.. as fear and comfort often hold us where we are.”

Listen to “Keep On Driving”, our Song Pick of the Day:

Geoff Gibbons Music · Keep On Driving

Connect with Geoff Gibbons on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram and add “Keep On Driving” to your playlist as we are adding it to our glamglarepick playlist on Spotify: