SONG PICK: Frances Baker - Bringing Me Down

SONG PICK: Frances Baker - Bringing Me Down

Is it a sheer coincidence that I feature back-to-back two female singer/songwriters, who produce their music themselves and call Nashville, TN their home? Maybe they will collaborate on something one day? For now, get to know Frances Baker, who embarked on an exciting journey to support Arlo Parks on her U.K. tour. Alone that tidbit makes you listen up, doesn’t it? Baker has a self-titled EP coming up with five soulful tracks, with the sparkling “Bringing Me Down” as the lead single. Starting a song with the chorus is always a welcomed surprise, and Baker does it expertly so, making us immediately chime in. Asked about her new single, Baker says:

“Bringing Me Down” is the first song I recorded. Self-produced, I started it on Finale Score sequencing software, moved to GarageBand, and finished it in Ableton. This is when Sean (my friend and collaborator) started teaching me about producing, sampling and recording. This song is about leaving a toxic situation, doing what’s best for you. Dancing in mistakes.

Listen to “Bringing Me Down,” our Song Pick of the Day:

Connect with Frances Baker on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram and add “Bringing Me Down” to your playlist as we are adding it to our glamglarepick playlist on Spotify:

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