SONG PICK: Foolish Deep - Looking for the Moon

SONG PICK: Foolish Deep - Looking for the Moon

“Looking for the Moon,” the new super catchy single by Californian indie-rock band Foolish Deep is as gorgeous as it is romantic. The song feels like someone, a special someone, is taking me by the hand, leading me to a corner of the world that’s free of any problems but filled with only beauty instead. I also get quite the 80s, think INXS, vibes which add a welcomed touch of nostalgia but to the overall glorious feeling.  We asked frontman Caspar M-B about the inspiration for their new single, and he says:

I remember it was a full moon that night. I came home after a long day and felt tired and very empty. I thought to myself, taking out the motorcycle for a quick spin to see the moon would let me find a little beauty in this day. I used to ride my motorcycle up the hills of Mulholland whenever I was fed up with it all. I hated LA. It was too noisy, too dirty, too miserable. I drove up there whenever I felt that I forgot why I came here. The sea of lights with its endless opportunities always reminded me why I did. However, I couldn’t seem to find the right angle in order to see the moon. It didn’t matter what direction I took, the view was blocked by the hills.

The moon can be somewhat elusive at times, like many good things in life. Casper continues:

As I rode through these dark and foggy turns, all these memories from a time with somebody suddenly started flying by. The entire ride turned into a game of catch-up with nostalgia from the moments and nights we shared up there. I was exhausted and gave up searching for the light in the sky. I got home, still dwelling on the past and caught up in thoughts. I laid down, took one last look out my window, and there I saw a moon so bright, magical, and big like I had never seen it before.

A sign that trying too (!) hard doesn’t necessarily lead to success? A lovely allegory for a brilliant song! Listen to “Looking for the Moon,” our Song Pick of the Day, and check out the video too:

Connect with Foolish Deep on Facebook, and Instagram and add “Looking for the Moon” to your playlist as we are adding it to our glamglarepick playlist on Spotify: