SONG PICK: Fair Visions - Channel

SONG PICK: Fair Visions - Channel

“Channel” is the newest single from Fair Visions‘ upcoming EP Modern Kids. The New York-based post-punk band goes a little darker and maybe even more mysterious on “Channel.” Fair Visions’ sound is inspired by the greatest of the electronic/industrial genre, think New Order or Depeche Mode but they certainly put their own spin on things and “Channel” sounds disarmingly modern and irresistible. We asked frontman Ryan Work about “Channel,” and he says:

I think the song “Channel” has kind of an otherly presence in the scheme of FV music. Darker than we’ve ever gone but also freer than we’ve ever been, really sets it apart in my head. Also holds some vivid memories of stoned, anxiety filled nights in pre-demic Bushwick.”

If you’re in New York, come out to Baby’s All Right on September 1st and see Fair Vision live! Listen to “Channel,” our Song Pick of the Day:

Connect with Fair Visions on Facebook and Instagram and add “Channel” to your playlist as we are adding it to our glamglarepick playlist on Spotify:

Photo credit: Rita Iovine