SONG PICK: Elle Exxe - Rose Gold

It was three and a half years ago, when I first heard some songs by Scottish musician Elle Exxe, and consequently became a fan. Having seen Linda Harrison aka Elle Exxe live on a few occasions just manifests the impression of an exceptionally talented singer/songwriter and fascinating performer. Over time she has refined her sound, and her new single “Rose Gold” is as personal as it is infectious and simply utterly gorgeous.
Sensing an interesting story around “Rose Gold”, we reached out and asked Linda, who gave us the following insight:
“Over the years, I’ve seen and heard so many inspirational stories from people who’ve made their dreams come true, and I’ve always wanted to be one of them. But the story I guess I relate to the most right now, is the one of the dreamers who haven’t made it (yet). I’ve met unbelievably talented people on my journey but only a tiny percent of them get the recognition or pay-checks they’re worthy of. As a witness, and a participant, it can be frustrating and heartbreaking, but it’s also weirdly beautiful because all these struggling people have so much passion..and no matter whether they get paid or getting recognition, they’re still endlessly putting their whole heart into what they do. And maybe they’re actually more inspirational than the stars who made it.”
Beautifully sincere statement, making “Rose Gold” an inspirational anthem for all who keep on creating because for them there is not alternative to creating art.
Listen to “Rose Gold”, our Song Pick of the Day: