SONG PICK: elegant slims - Shake The Glass

SONG PICK: elegant slims - Shake The Glass

elegant slims is a fascinating figure in the New York music scene: even with her third single she remains “Shake the Glass” anonymous and features original art with her music in place of the usual press shots. In this case it is it is a piece by Mario Klingman (see above). elegant slims gives some background:

I have been most interested through this projects first few songs of connecting with visual artists working in different mediums who are drawn to the eyes and the face.. which we identify as most human. It is in this context I seek to explore the idea of time (how fluid or not it is), humanity (good versus evil, love, desire, obsession) and artificial intelligence & technology (human v not human/creation/ control). The visuals are an extension of the song’s data and I found in Mario a perfect visual companion through his work at the interface of art and technology. I say this is ‘a love song for vampires’ because in it there is a nostalgia, a longing, a timelessness, a forever- ness to it and we hear it now in this colder tech heavy modern era with an uncertain future. I feel the same when I admire his body of work.

“Shake The Glass” is dark, moody and effortless electro pop, which grabs you at first listen. Enjoy our Song Pick of the Day below:

Connect with elegant slims on Instagram.