SONG PICK: DUNE Aimee - Power Cut

“Power Cut” is a song that combines melancholy, drama, and upbeat pop sensibilities just in the right measure to make it an engaging experience every time you listen. DUNE Aimee is a singer/songwriter from the Netherlands who moved to Leeds, U.K. to advance her artistic career, so we can hopefully expect more music from her soon.
She reveals a surprising background about the song:
“It’s a very personal song to me. I wrote it in a period in my life where I was doubting a lot of things and didn’t know how to get out of the situation I was in. I felt very stuck and powerless. This song was almost like a cry for help from someone or something from the outside to just force me to get myself the time to really become me again. It’s a crazy coincidence the pandemic happened only a little after.”
Listen to our Song Pick of the Day, “Power Cut” on your favorite streaming service or below on YouTube: