SONG PICK: Dantevilles - Bloomin' Flowers

As much as I love beautiful melodies and easy-going arrangements, I am equally drawn to the edgy and maybe more complicated sound, the one that takes a little to unravel itself.
“Bloomin’ Flowers”, the new single by British quartet Dantevilles is a song in that latter category: it immediately keeps you at your toes while it swirls, twists and turns, vibing with multiple surprises during the four minutes and forty-eight seconds long musical ride. Singer and guitarist James Gallagher‘s vocals are unique enough to make you listen and take sides to whether you like ’em or not.
Turns out, Dantevilles call Manchester their home, a place with no shortage of awesome -new- indie rock bands. Listen to the essentially highly infectious and super cool “Bloomin’ Flowers”, our Song Pick of the Day:
Connect with Dantevilles on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram and add “Bloomin’ Flowers” to your playlist on Spotify: