SONG PICK: Chillhum - highspeed

SONG PICK: Chillhum - highspeed

Denver producer and vocalist Chillhum delights with “highspeed,” a beautifully woozy and effortlessly pleasing electropop gem. Asked about the song’s context and message, Ethan Bedell, aka Chillhum, says:

Lyrically, ‘highspeed’ is a song centered around how disorienting it can be as a young person trying to figure out what direction to take with your future, and how this confusion can affect your present life in other ways. As you grow up you are constantly bombarded with the different pathways everyone around you feels are ‘best’, and then at a certain point you are kind of just forced to decide and jump in head first. This song is essentially my perspective on that process – thankfully I am really happy with where I am right now but it all can, without a doubt, still be scary and overwhelming and I think that is something that’s always a part of life.”

Yes, it can be at times very overwhelming, even in older years because unless you’re stuck, you’re constantly moving with important decisions to be made. Chillhum reflects on the music too and continues:

Musically I am really proud of the instrumental work on this one. All of the synths are from the korg minilogue and of course I played the guitar and bass as well – but in this one I am particularly proud of how all the elements compliment each other without being overly complex. The melodic elements all flow really nicely into and out of one another, and also between sections. For this reason I kept this one pretty minimal in terms of things like sound effects or noise sweeps, and tried to give it a more live feel by having the instruments do most of that transitional work. Although that’s not something I plan to do in all my future tracks I’m super proud of how it worked here!

Listen to”highspeed,” our Song Pick of the Day:

Connect with Chillhum on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram and add “highspeed” to your playlist as we are adding it to our glamglarepick playlist on Spotify:

Photo credit: @kotypotts