SONG PICK: Charlie Hole - There Will Be No King

Probably even more stunning than his stellar guitar chops, appealing raspy vocals and overall delectable songwriting is his talent to tell truly compelling stories. Hailing from the coastal town Bournemouth in the South East of England, singer-songwriter Charlie Hole put out the last single to his just released twelve track album “Beautiful Decay”. We came across the interesting musician already, when we were floored by “The Ballad of Anne Beverly” and gladly featured the song. With the type of music Charlie Hole creates, comparisons with John Mayer and the likes are unavoidable. Luckily, for me and many other fans of this kind of jazzy, bluesy, well-crafted guitar rock, gifted artists like Charlie Hole are still in reach (aka affordable and tickets obtainable) and it is highly enjoyable to see a young artist like him evolve.

Asked about the single, Charlie Hole offers:

“Recording ‘There Will Be No King’ was probably the most fun I’ve ever had in a studio. The most important thing to get right was the rhythm section, and once we had an idea of what the drums and bass were doing, everything else came easily. Once we had the right feel, we spent a fair amount of time overdubbing a few bits here and there, and getting the vocals right, but mostly the recording was done in one take.
The song itself was meant to be a little bit of fun, exploring storytelling and interweaving some different themes. I tend to over-write lyrics, and I end up with more than I need, then the hard part is editing and making it all fit together chronologically. I had the lyrics for years before I found the right changes, but it ended up being a super simple song with a killer groove – one of my favourites to play live.”

Here’s to seeing Charlie Hole live hopefully soon! Listen to “There Will Be No King”, our Song Pick of the Day:

Connect with Charlie Hole on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter and add “There Will Be No King” to your playlist: