SONG PICK: Charlie Clark, Paul Wilson - Late Night Drinking (Video)

SONG PICK: Charlie Clark, Paul Wilson - Late Night Drinking (Video)

Charlie Clark (Astrid) teams up with Paul Wilson (Snow Patrol), who gives “Late Night Drinking” the Red Flame Mix treatment. The result is a brilliant indie-rock anthem with sparkles, passion and depth. The track also marks the first single to be released on Clark’s recently announced independent label: No Big Deal Music. 

Speaking about the pair’s close relationship and how the collaboration came about, Charlie Clark says:

“I’ve known Pabs for over 20 years and would walk through the mists of Avalon for that man! We lived in LA during the same period and worked on loads of music (as of yet unreleased). We’ve played in bands together, toured together but we’re pals first and foremost so this collaboration came about purely down to mid-Covid boredom!”

Listen to “Late Night Drinking,” our Song Pick of the Day, and check out the hot band video:

Connect with Charlie Clark on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, and Paul Wilson on Instagram, and add “Late Night Drinking” to your playlist as we are adding it to our glamglarepick playlist on Spotify: