SONG PICK: BUN - So Far From Home

SONG PICK: BUN - So Far From Home

“So Far From Home”, the new single by Belgian indie-rocker BUN is instantly appealing thanks to its 90s rock vibe and comforting familiarity. Brecht Vanvyaenem, the singer, songwriter, and guitarist behind the moniker BUN, used to play guitar in the Belgian post-metal band Miava. Sadly, that promising project came to a halt, when Jelle Tommeleyn, Miava’s drummer and Brecht’s best friend died in a hit and run car accident. Needless to say that Brecht went through a very tough time afterward and it took him some time to find joy and sense in music again. Luckily, he was able to find purpose in life again, embracing and celebrating it as BUN.

After we exchanged some thoughts on life – and death, we asked Brecht whether he could give us some insight about “So Far From Home”, and he says:

I’m all about living the one life we’re given to the fullest, have no regrets, learn from your mistakes and enjoy the ride!

That sounds as bold and reassuring as the music BUN produces, reminiscent of Oasis’ swagger and Foo Fighters’ energy and drive. The irresistibly catchy “So Far From Home” is a refreshing take on 90s indie rock and our Song Pick of the Day:

Connect with BUN on Facebook and Instagram and add “So Far From Home” to your playlist as we are adding it to our glamglarepick playlist on Spotify:

Photo credit: Tim Batist