SONG PICK: Breathe Panel - Sunrise/Sunshine

Relentlessly pushing beats, seemingly dissonant guitar chords and almost sweet vocals over it, this is “Sunrise/Sunshine” the new single by Brighton-based quartet Breathe Panel. It is reminiscent of the works of some of the finest post-punk acts places such as Chicago or Philadelphia have to offer and Breathe Panel are clearly onto something. When asked about the track, they provide:
“It’s a comment on how the unpredictable changes in nature can be beautiful and sometimes frustrating, and a reflection on how that can mirror in relationships between humans. We decided on this theme as we thought the guitar lines sounded like blooming flowers or plants with a constant underlying tension, so we went from there.”
This sums up the vibe of the single perfectly! Listen to “Sunrise/Sunshine”, our Song Pick of the Day:
For your Spotify playlist: