SONG PICK: Benedict Benjamin - Tell Me If You're Lonely

Benedict Benjamin aka Ben Rubinstein released his final single “Tell Me If You’re Lonely” before his album “Truant” drops tomorrow. The song starts as a simple rock song, boring almost, but a few beats in, it gets this irresistibly lush psychedelic treatment and grooves smoothly along. The production keeps things beautifully sparse and focused. When asked about the track, Benedict Benjamin provides:

“This is a song about longing to be irresponsible and do stupid self indulgent shit because you don’t feel good about yourself. I think it was on my mind because (gonna repeat this a lot) we were expecting a baby and I was aware that I couldn’t do that anymore and it freaked me out.”

Listen to “Tell Me If You’re Lonely”, our Song Pick of the Day:

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Photo credit: Sequoia Ziff