SONG PICK: Aniqo - Fear

SONG PICK: Aniqo - Fear

German singer/songwriter Anita Goß aka Aniqo is often drawn to darker topics. Her latest song, a slow-burning track with cues from Pornography-era The Cure, fits right in there: “Fear” is about the primal emotion itself and shows that understanding is the best way to overcome it.

Anita explains:

“‘Fear’ is about dealing with various fears that live within us but are also transported from the outside and can thus be obstacles to our own powerful energetic positive development. I structured the song like a priestly chant – the first part takes over the helping hand that tries to relativize fears which arise mainly in ourselves. It’s an encouragement to not to be irritated by our own little devil or shadow sides that nibbles at our self-confidence and often keeps us from going down new paths. The second part draws attention to the fear that is brought to us by the outside – and which can be significantly responsible for the climate of society. Instrumentally, the song symbolizes running away due to fears – but conversely also the liberation from them.”

Listen to our Song Pick of the Day, “Fear,” on your favorite streaming service or below on SoundCloud:

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