Sohodolls - What Kinda Love

Sohodolls - What Kinda Love

“What Kinda Love” is the new single by London-based synth-rock act Sohodolls, written by their central songwriter  Maya Von Doll.  The track starts out with a pulsating vibe and gritty guitars, reminiscent of Muse’s 2009 album Resistance, but takes a sweeter turn once Maya’s beautifully sultry vocals set in. While the theme of the song is born out of a place of despair, the final result is vibrant and simply irresistible. And life can change within the blink of an eye, as Maya explains:

“I wrote this song when I was in a bad place in my life. I had put on a lot of weight during my pregnancy, suffered from insomnia and anxiety, was out of a record deal and suddenly didn’t have the day job I’d always had. I had handed in my notice at my London office and was interviewing for new roles in the City when lockdown hit. I’d got to the final round of interviews for a finance firm and was banking on having a new career adventure but that all evaporated with Covid. I felt I was now in a lockdown within a lockdown. I had no music studio so I’d write this song on my walk to the supermarket in a scruffy tracksuit feeling invisible and like an utter unemployed failure. This was months before ‘Bang Bang Bang Bang’ went viral giving Sohodolls a new lease of life and a new record deal.”

Listen to “What Kinda Love,” our Song Pick of the Day:

Connect with Sohodolls and add “What Kinda Love” to your playlist as we add it to our #glamglarepick playlist on Spotify and YouTube: