Sofia Lafuente - If You Care

Sofia Lafuente - If You Care

Sofia Lafuente delights with the bittersweet yet stunningly beautiful “If You Care.” The alt-pop singer-songwriter was born in the United States and raised in London by her American father and Spanish mother and, from an early age on, turned to music as a form of escapism. “If You Care” comes from a deeply personal place and lyrically deals with the highly difficult music business and the industry’s unfair expectations, especially for women. While there was a time when Sofia thought of maybe not belonging, she now feels more confident as an artist and says about “If You Care:”

I wrote it about being a woman in the industry but I realised it can also relate to people that are in a relationship with someone who’s not fully in, and what’s helped me, regardless of whether it’s your job or romantic life, is surrounding yourself with people that empower you.

Listen to “If You Care,” our Song Pick of the Day, and check out the lovely performance video too:

Connect with Sofia Lafuente and add “If You Care” to your playlist as we add it to our #glamglarepick playlist on Spotify and AppleMusic: