Social Order - Crime

Social Order - Crime

We’re excited to hear new music from Los Angeles and Las Vegas-based synth-rock trio Social Order. We loved Social Order’s 2022 single “Never Again,” and can not get enough of the brilliant “Crime” either. The new single will be part of their upcoming EP Tantalize, scheduled to be released in October. While you might not have heard of Social Order before, you might have come across Metro Station. Two of its members Mason Musso (vocals, guitar) and Anthony Improgo (drums), have formed Social Order together with Nuwave Fighters guitarist  Andrew Ward. 

Despite its serious topic, “Crime” is irresistibly catchy and really beautiful, thanks to the enchanting melody, the glistening keys, and the gorgeous vocals.

Asked about the song, Mason Musso, who wrote the track’s lyrics, says:

“Crime was written for people coming out of abusive relationships. One thing that we hear a lot is how worthless people feel after dealing with that kind of toxic situation to the point of even wanting to cause self-harm. Crime was written for those who are at their lowest.”

Listen to “Crime,” our Song Pick of the Day:

Connect with Social Order and add “Crime” to your playlist as we add it to our #glamglarepick playlist on Spotify and YouTube: