Slye - Dancing on My Own

Slye - Dancing on My Own

The self-love anthem “Dancing on My Own,” is the last single from Slye‘s five-track EP Shades of Blue,  and it is gorgeous! The Liverpool-based singer, songwriter, and producer pursues the idea of moving both the body and the mind by combining the infectious grooves of late 70s, early 80s funk music with the introspective lyricism and melodies of modern indie R&B  and rock. A celebration of life, Shades of Blue tells personal stories that are brimming with funky grooves accentuated by delicate synth-pop elements and vocals to get lost in.

Asked about “Dancing on My Own,” Slye says:

Dancing On My Own was written as an anthem of self-love. A song written about the process of enjoying time alone. I wanted to write something that really played with that introvert / extrovert idea. The insular lyrics combined with the sax hook create this cool dichotomy that I like.mThe breakdown I wrote as an ‘introvert’s prayer’ with the lyrics being; “I volunteer to be guided by my heart. I choose for one to beat as one.” I really wanted to play on this theme of positive solitude.

Seeing Slye live must be an intense and utterly fascinating experience, from what I can tell by watching the live videos and Instagram snippets. Slye says:

We’ve been playing this track live for a while now and it can get pretty wild, it seems to be the one that get’s everyone up and dancing and it always turns into some mad funk jam which I’m always up for.

Indeed, remaining unmoved and seated seems to be impossible thanks to the jazzy, disco-vibe of “Dancing on My Own” which makes you want to do just that, and that’s completely fine. Listen to “Dancing on My Own,” our Song Pick of the Day:

Connect with Slye and add “Dancing on My Own” to your playlist as we add it to our #glamglarepick playlist on Spotify and AppleMusic and check out the entire EP: