Slaney Bay - Move On

Slaney Bay - Move On

South West London alt-rockers Slaney Bay tackle something very profound in their new single “Move On,” the necessity to keep going even though it’s hard at times. Whether you can make peace with the past or need to let it rest unresolved doesn’t matter as long as you’re stuck. “Move On,” is a vibrant and sparkling reminder to unstuck yourself and embrace change. Slaney Bay’s invigorating sound reminds me of the female-fronted and guitar-driven indie vibes of fellow Brits Wolf Alice or New York’s Laveda.

Asked about the single, frontwoman Cait Whitley explains:

“’Move On’ was written as a promise to push myself forwards. I felt like I was stuck…I was still upset about the same person, situation and mistakes as I was a year ago. And that left zero space for anything new to happen. I’d stopped progressing. I needed to switch into a tough love mentality. Ordering myself to move on, even if it was painful. Just put one foot in front of the other.”

Listen to “Move On,” our Song Pick of the Day:

Connect with Slaney Bay and add “Move On” to your playlist as we add it to our #glamglarepick playlist on Spotify and AppleMusic:

Photo Credit: Rory Dunn