Shenanygans - I Believe in You

Shenanygans - I Believe in You

Based in Switzerland, indie-rockers Shenanygans are a picture-book European band with the two Irish singers/guitarists Dan and Kaylem Hannon-Barry, the Swiss drummer Tom Brunner and the Swiss-Polish bassist  Lucky Luki. We’re always excited to listen to bands who embrace the many influences Europe has to offer, and Shenanygans seem to be a fun bunch of artists, as their moniker suggests. The four-piece formed in early 2023 and just released their debut album On Monte Verita. The latest single from that album is the inspiring “I Believe in You,” an upbeat, playful track that encourages you to trust your inner self and go your way. The song delights with its beautiful melody, nice guitar work, and vocal harmonies that are a nod to some classics of the past.

Listen to “I Believe in You,” our Song Pick of the Day:

Connect with Shenanygans and add “I Believe in You” to your playlist as we add it to our #glamglarepick playlist on Spotify and YouTube: