Shealagh Rose - Radio Silence

Silence can become very loud and enraging if essential things cannot be said anymore. “Radio Silence” is a common term for that kind of situation. The Canadian singer/songwriter Shealagh Rose put this into a song, and don’t think she takes it as cool as it appears at the beginning of the song.
There is also a larger perspective to the song:
“Now, more than ever, I’m sure we’ve all experienced that feeling of isolation or feeling cut off from people; when efforts to reach out are met with an indifferent or brief response. Or even when it becomes too much that making the effort to reach out to people just becomes bothersome, leading to a vicious cycle.”
Listen to our Song Pick of the Day on Apple Music, Spotify or below on Bandcamp:
Radio Silence, by Shealagh Rose
track by Shealagh Rose

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