Scatterchild - Bleep Test

Scatterchild - Bleep Test

Manchester to the rescue! Whenever I’m in the mood for catchy yet moving alt-rock, with great vocals and interesting instrumentation, this city and its musicians seem to offer just that. The brand new single “Bleep Test” by Scatterchild is all you want from an eclectic, contemporary rock song. Songwriter, singer, and multi-instrumentalist Jay Plant is the mastermind behind the Scatterchild project, and after an EP with a strong narrative, The Candidate, he is now gearing up to release his debut album, An Every Day Landscape via Bread Records. Jay says about his new single:

“‘Bleep Test’ came together in a frenzied blur, the concept emerging from a drunken conversation about the idea of a song with a constant beeping running throughout. It’s a real live favourite now, and we’re really excited to set the tone for our debut album An Every Day Landscape.”

Listen to “Bleep Test,” our Song Pick of the Day:

Connect with Scatterchild and add “Bleep Test” to your playlist as we add it to our #glamglarepick playlist on Spotify and YouTube:

Photo Credit: Courtney Turner