Sarah Grace White - Sinkhole

“‘Sinkhole’ is a story of falling in love fast with a dead end train,” says LA-based singer/songwriter Sarah Grace White. But she did not simply want to tell the story over a melody but craft a soundscape that reflects the emotional depth of looking at a heartbreak of the past.
Sarah explains how much thought she put into creating the song:
“I wanted the production to reflect the unreliable tint of memory. We worked out of Valentine Studios in LA to build a reflective palette rife with small stories and space. There’s a very nostalgic, open quality to that studio, so we allowed the character of the room to speak for itself. This is a story song; I wanted the vocals to be confessional and direct, laid out plain at the forefront of a soundscape that is at once hypnotic and arresting, lulling the listener into the past while still pulling them forward. Like all the music I like, it is hopeful, and a little sad.”
Listen to “Sinkhole,” our Song Pick of the Day, below:
(Photo: Chloe Chippendale)