Saint Kochi - Almost Lost

Saint Kochi - Almost Lost

British chamber-pop artist Saint Kochi announces his upcoming album, with a release date still to be revealed, with the glorious “Almost Lost.” The track is beautifully cinematic, with a sweeping string arrangement and mesmerizing beats. Asked about the irresistible symphonic track, Saint Kochi says:

I wanted to make a song that was drenched in melodic hooks and felt like it was written with different movements in mind, almost in the way classical pieces of music are structured. Lyrically I guess it’s a bit of a dreamy narrative about time spent sitting in an English garden….

Yes, we totally sign up for the ride and enjoy getting lost daydreaming to Saint Kochi’s sound. We also dig the dreamy, slightly surreal video, directed by Sam Hiscox. Listen to “Almost Lost,” our Song Pick of the Day, and check out the video too:

Connect with Saint Kochi and add “Almost Lost” to your playlist as we add it to our #glamglarepick playlist on Spotify and AppleMusic:

Photo Credit: Sam Hiscox