Reevah - Time to Breathe

Reevah - Time to Breathe

Based in Derry, Northern Ireland, alt-pop singer/songwriter Reevah just dropped the utterly gorgeous “Time to Breathe.” The track has a light and airy vibe and, true to its title invites the listener to take a step back for a moment and concentrate on what’s really important. Aoife Boyle, aka Reevah, summarizes her new song as follows:

“‘Time to Breathe’ is about recognising what’s important in life. And realising the beauty that surrounds us – ‘Spend the time that you have with the people you love’ – is a mantra that is repeated throughout the track.”

Reevah has her debut album, Daylight Savings coming out in October via Bloom Records. She says about the new single and the record’s theme:

“‘Time to Breathe’ highlights the necessity for everyone to step away from expectation, social media and the constant drive for perfection. It’s a track about focusing on the here and now – highlighting the importance and delicacy of life. Which is a running theme throughout the entirety of my debut album Daylight Savings. As I grow as a musician and a songwriter, I realise how much I want to instill positivity and love into every song that I create.”

Listen to “Time to Breathe,” our Song Pick of the Day:

Connect with Reevah and add “Time to Breathe” to your playlist as we add it to our #glamglarepick playlist on Spotify and AppleMusic: