Raphaela - Be My Hero

Raphaela - Be My Hero
Photo Credit: Alex Boone

The positive message of Raphaela's new single "Be My Hero" instantly resonates! More and more people realize how important self-care is and that one needs to be proactive to see results. Wrapped in a beautiful pop song, "Be My Hero" is definitely a winner. Add Raphaela's enchanting vocals, and you have a hit. Raphaela, who left Lebanon to live in Canada, says about her new track:

"Sometimes it's harder to place boundaries with those you love than those you hate. As a recovering people-pleaser, oftentimes I've sacrificed many of my own values and guiding core principles for fear of losing those I love. I've learned that placing boundaries means showing people what you will and will not accept, and ultimately, this always serves the relationship for the better and steers it towards the right direction it's meant to go in, whatever that may be."

Listen to "Be My Hero," our Song Pick of the Day:

Connect with Raphaela and add "Be My Hero" to your playlist as we add it to our #glamglarepick playlist on Spotify and YouTube: