Quiet Takes - Meri Said

Quiet Takes - Meri Said

Nomadic artist Quiet Takes settled down for a little while to record the spellbinding “Meri Said” and ten more songs for her upcoming album Regrets Only, out on February 15, 2024. “Meri Said” marks the second single from that album after the equally gorgeous “Invitation.” It is fascinating to learn how Sarah Magill (Quiet Takes) came up with the lyrics to “Meri Said.” Sarah says:

“Appropo for the new year, it’s an ode to the words that find us right when we need them. Each verse of this song is a paraphrase of hand-over-the-edge-of-the-cliff advice from real people—three close friends and two Internet strangers.”

About the production of the song, she further reveals:

“The bulk of the recording for ‘Meri Said’ was done at The Hive in Eau Claire, Wisconsin. Producer Zach Hanson (Bon Iver, S. Carey, The Staves, Gordi) helped me animate the original demo of the song. We kept some of the demo’s synths and drum programming but had fun playing with the studio’s vintage synth and sound toy collection to create the hook and tides-shifting atmosphere. The whole thing came to life when we added Ben Lester (S. Carey) on pedal steel and S. Carey (Bon Iver) on a second drum track.”

Listen to “Meri Said,” our Song Pick of the Day:

Connect with Quiet Takes and add “Meri Said” to your playlist as we add it to our #glamglarepick playlist on Spotify and YouTube: