Quarry - Chemical

Quarry - Chemical

British artist/producer Quarry offers a glorious slice of pop with the refreshingly upbeat “Chemical.” Out via Columbia Records, Quarry says about his new single:

“Chemical” is ultimately about letting go of things we can’t control – like the chemicals that shape us, racing through our bodies and colouring everything we see.

He continues:

We don’t get to choose how they make us feel, it’s just a reaction. Maybe today you weren’t ready for them, but if they catch you in just the right mood, those same feelings that hold you back can be what pushes you forward. The flash of inspiration, the flood of dopamine. These are all things that fly unpredictably, and remind us that we still have surprises worth waiting for. It’s frustrating to not be in control of how we feel, but at the same time, there’s something beautiful and inevitable about letting go.

Beautifully put. We particularly love the sentiment of surprises being ahead of us worth waiting for. Every single day is full of them and we can add some joy by listening to a vibrant song like “Chemical,” our Song Pick of the Day:

Connect with Quarry and add “Chemical” to your playlist as we add it to our #glamglarepick playlist on Spotify and AppleMusic: