Public Circuit - Caustic Cross

Public Circuit - Caustic Cross

With all that’s possible in music nowadays, it’s refreshing to see a band take a minimalist approach, extract inspiration from some of the 70s and 80s synth-pop icons, and make it their own sound. What Brooklyn synth-punk trio Public Circuit create is hard to pinpoint exactly, but that’s also unnecessary because their newest single, “Caustic Cross,” is appealing in its own right. The track can be found on Public Circuit’s upcoming album Lamb, out on March 8, 2024, via à La Carte Records.

We wanted to know a bit more and reached out to the band’s frontman, Ethan Biamont, who says:

“To me ‘Caustic Cross’ is like being caught amidst a fervent act of prayer; a curious commentary on the dismissal of the often times morbid & self-serving tendencies of religious worship. Then again, I never set out to write anything with some overarching grand scheme. What’s a good gothic synth song without some religious symbolism? Just a good tune.”

Listen to “Caustic Cross,” our Song Pick of the Day, and check out the Blair Witch Project-style shot video directed by Nara Avakian.

Connect with Public Circuit and add “Caustic Cross” to your playlist as we add it to our #glamglarepick playlist on Spotify and YouTube: