Psymon Spine - Wizard Acid

Psymon Spine - Wizard Acid

Psymon Spine are about to release their new album, Head Body Connector, on February 23rd. They have already left their Brooklyn home and are on tour statewide and later in Spring also in Europe. The album’s second single is the warm and super catchy “Wizard Acid,” which is drenched with glorious synths, groovy bass lines, and little, sweet electronic gimmicks here and there. The track is perfect for dancing or chilling with maybe a nice cocktail in hand. It also works for a little nostalgic-themed daydreaming. Think of Cut Copy’s dreaminess meets Kraftwerk’s elegant minimalism, wrapped in the experimentalism of Talking Heads. Somewhere there sit Psymon Spine, and it’s a place where I feel happy and comfortable.

While Psyamon Spine are known for their cathartic live shows, the album was mostly written during a time when no live shows or get-togethers were possible at all (back in 2020.) Noah Prebish says about the album, which comes out via Northern Spy Records.

“It’s more unhinged than anything we’ve made before. Throughout the writing process, we were always asking ourselves how we could make it really fun to play live.”

Listen to “Wizard Acid,” our Song Pick of the Day, and check out the animated video directed by Dana Roth:

Connect with Psymon Spine and add “Wizard Acid” to your playlist as we add it to our #glamglarepick playlist on Spotify and YouTube:

Photo Credit: Nicole Neptune Miller