Precious Pepala - Looking For Trouble

Precious Pepala - Looking For Trouble

Why do they tell girls and women not to walk on the street alone after dark? For 17-year-old British singer/songwriter Precious Pepala this question is more than about personal safety; it is about a culture that accepts assault against women like a streak of bad weather. But Precious does not cave in: “Looking For Trouble,” is a big song, an anthem that makes clear that the status quo is no longer acceptable.

She says:

“‘Looking for Trouble’ is a song about rape culture and victim blaming. It addresses the unfortunately relatable feeling of fear when walking alone at night as a female. The lyrics also address the way that victims of sexual abuse are all too commonly questioned about things such as their clothing, actions or level of intoxication as if to justify predatory behavior. I feel very passionately about discussing this subject matter through my music and I hope this song acts as a conversation starter, because these issues need to be discussed until we see change.”

“Looking For Trouble” is Precious Papala’s second single, and we can’t wait to see where she goes from there. Listen to our Song Pick of the Day on your favorite streaming service or below on SoundCloud:

(Photo: Leah Abdulla)