Pool Girl - I Liked It

Pool Girl - I Liked It

Allie Nixon chose her artist name, Pool Girl, not by accident but as a result of her experience growing up in a small beach town in California. At a young age, it occurred to her that grit and resilience are required when going after something you care about. More concretely, her grandfather started his own pool cleaning service to stay in the United States.

Her latest single, “I Liked It,” somewhat belies this ethos with its dreamy and beautifully mellow quality, yet there’s definitely also depth to it. “I Liked It” will be part of Pool Girl’s upcoming EP Trophy Wife, and Allie says about her new single:

“‘I liked it’ captures the intricacies of casual relationships and the important role they play in our lives. Acknowledging that though they may not be true intimacy, there is a worthwhile light heartedness and playfulness in exploring curiosities.”

Listen to “I Liked,” our Song Pick of the Day:

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