PHOTOS: glamglare presents: Late Guest at the Party, Beverly Girl, Bunny X

PHOTOS: glamglare presents: Late Guest at the Party, Beverly Girl, Bunny X

Synth-pop, 70s disco and hot club music galore on August 7th at Lola, formerly known as Coney Island Baby. We were excited to be one of the first to promote a show at this posh East Village club which provided the perfect backdrop for the sexy, soulful disco tunes of locals Bunny X and Late Guest at the Party as well as Beverly Girl from Finland.

Get into the groove by listening to our synth-pop playlist…

… and check out photos from the event. (Click on a photo to browse through the gallery.)


== All concert photos – © 2019 Elke Nominikat and Oliver Bouchard ==

Late Guest at the Party

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Beverly Girl

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Bunny X

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