phin - you would never fall in love with me

phin - you would never fall in love with me

Producer, singer, and songwriter phin today released his debut single, “you would never fall in love with me,” a melancholic little electro-pop gem that swirls and develops and eventually ends on a bright(er) note.  While this is Phin Choukas’ first work as a front-and-center solo artist, he’s been producing music for others for a while now and, with an upcoming move from the Upper Valley to New Orleans, will continue to do so. We’re hooked and can’t wait to hear more from this youn talent. We asked Phin to tell us a bit more about the song with the long and wistful title, and he said:

“As a producer, I’ve always had a sense of what a song needs to cross the finish line. I think that quality has helped me a lot while embarking on my artist project, where I’ve been humbled at every other turn. I’m not a world-class musician, but I know how to create a mood and feeling and just ride it. “you would never fall in love with me” is a song about self-love and acceptance disguised as an unrequited love song. producing out the track and humming my way through subconscious feelings led me to what the song really means: we cannot expect to find the love we desire if we do not first take care of ourselves.”

Listen to “you would never fall in love with me,” our Song Pick of the Day:

Connect with phin and add “you would never fall in love with me” to your playlist as we add it to our #glamglarepick playlist on Spotify and YouTube: